Friday, February 28, 2014

8th Week - Painting Textures

This week in Mudbox and Max, I worked on texturing the terrain using Mudbox. Using Mudbox I was able to take the terrain model that I made using Max and bring it directly into Mudbox where I could tweak the model slightly and paint the rock and grass textures directly onto the model. Then I saved the different paint layers and compiled them into a single image file which could be used in 3dsMax as a diffuse map. Next week I will start working on a road and bridge to put into the scene.

Friday, February 21, 2014

7th Week - Mudbox Training

This week in Max, I did not use max. I am planning on using Mudbox, which is another Autodesk program, in the coming weeks as a second step in the modeling process to add an extra level of detail to my 3dsMax models. I will also be using the program as a way to paint textures onto my models. My overall progress for this week was less than ideal, as I was interrupted by computer problems one day and school assemblies another. On the days that I was able to work, however, I played around in the program testing out what all the brushes did and I also looked at different tutorial videos.

Friday, February 14, 2014

6th Week - New Terrain Method

This week in Max, I started to test a new method for modeling terrain using the Displace modifier. Traditionally I would start by dragging out a plane with a high amount of pollies and then using solt selection I would push/pull vertices to shape the mesh. This week, however, I broke the process into three steps, the first of which being the blocky rough model in the top image. The second step was to texture the top facing pollies in a gradient fading from black at the lower most level to white at the top most. With the rough model textured I can render out a top view of the model to achieve the height map. After that I can simply apply the Displace modifier onto a plane with a high amount of polies, and with slight tweaks of the settings I will get the final model.

Friday, February 7, 2014

5th Week - Monster

This week in Max, I worked on modeling a new creature. The above image showcases the one eyed version of my creature but I also have a two eyed version with straighter horns. The texture will be reworked greatly but I do want to make it some sort of cellular scaly slimy texture. The plans for this model are to use this basic model and import it into Mudbox and add some extra levels of detail to the model.