Friday, January 31, 2014

4th Week - Test Prep

This week in Max, the class worked on duplicating a scene given two video clips and an image. This was in preparation for a test that is offered at the local Junior College, which if passed will give you 3 college credits. I do plan on taking the test this year and feel that I will be able to complete the  task in the 4 hours provided. Since the test is covering basic animation and modeling techniques and a basic understanding of how to operate 3DS Max I feel that I am more than prepared to take this test.

Friday, January 24, 2014

3rd Week - Lizard Boy

This week in Max, I started and nearly finished modeling a lizard like creature. This particular model was a combination of both planes and box modeling. The model is based off of the reference image shown in the image above but it does differ from the reference as I was not following it exactly. The remaining work will consist of reworking the way the legs attach and blend into the body, making a pair of arms and hands, and also polishing up his neck. With regards to his neck, all I have done so far is create some polies that connect the head to the rest of the body as I am still unsure as to whether or not I was to have a long serpent like neck or if I want to follow the reference image and model it to look like he has a patch of hair that covers his head and reaches down to his torso.

Friday, January 17, 2014

2nd Week - Body Work

This week in Max, I continued modeling a character to go with the head that I had been working on previously. This pair of legs/lower torso was crafted using planes modeling with a simple symmetry modifier applied to it. So far I am happy with both the look of the head and the legs. I will possibly change around the feet to make them a little more detailed but I may not if I decide to model some sort of boot or anything else that covers the feet. Aside from continuing to model the rest of the person, I plan on tweaking some of the proportion of what I have made so far.

Friday, January 10, 2014

1st Week - Back in the Swing of Things

This week in Max, I got back into my motorcycle models and started texturing the beast of a machine. I spent most of my time trying to get some realistic metal and paint texture as well as a nice leather seat. The images above were taking with different colored lighting, the left and bottom right with a yellow light and the top right with a white light. Overall I like the way it turned out I might be calling this a finalized product.