Friday, October 18, 2013

9th Week - Career

This week in Max, I did not use max as I am waiting for the new licences  for the program. The week was not lost however as time was spent on Kuder Navigator looking at future career paths. One of the careers that I looked at was being a  Radiologic Technologists. When a doctor needs a closer look inside of a patient but doesn't want to jump strait to exploratory surgery the R.T. steps in to lend a helping hand. Radiologic technologists specialize in x-ray, computed tomography (CT), and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) equipment. They work directly with patients to explain the procedure and help them through the process as best they can. This career field has a bright outlook with an expected increase in employment of over 10%. The average starting pay is around forty thousand dollars, and being in the medical field the top pay is close to one hundred thousand dollars. As far as schooling is concerned, it ranges from associate degree to bachelor's degree to on-the-job training( if you are already working in the medical field).

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