Friday, April 18, 2014

14th Week - MORE Tables

This week in Max, progress has slowed on table construction. There is a shortage of usable materials at this point in time so table number four is not 100% finished although it is close. Some progress has been made in the construction of the filth table table as well as some more boards being cut for the supports, so this week was not a total loss. Hopefully, next week the class will be able to complete at least one table.

Friday, April 11, 2014

13th Week - Table Frenzy

This week Max, I continued to not work in Max and instead worked on the octo-tables. Construction of yet another table has finished, bringing up the total to three complete tables. There is also a fourth table that is almost complete and will be ready to stain some time next week. So far everything is going smoothly and the table are turning out really well. The tables from this point on will be coated with a different type of stain that gives it a more naturally dark wood color as apposed to the two color stain that was used on the first two tables.

Friday, April 4, 2014

12th Week - Printing Has Begun

This week in Max, I worked on a modeling a modular key ring, similar to the image on the right. I would like to make in so that the central hub can be separated into two parts so as to allow the addition and removal of the individual rings. The image on the left is the model that I made with the intent to have the two halves separate, where the center is hollowed out and notches were added so that top piece could lock into place. I have not given up on the idea to make custom usb case, so I have also been working on make so models for that.